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Custom Professional Development

Create and Leverage Teachable Moments

Whole Planet Consulting serves schools, businesses and individuals who want to shift to a 

In School

Whole Planet Consulting Professional Development is an investment in the long term success of both teachers and students, giving teachers the tools and support to manage classroom culture, gauge social emotional readiness and adapt to changing conditions.   

Every school has unique needs and circumstances.  All Whole Planet Consulting services are customized for your school or district.   Choose from a wide variety of services including

- Training and skill building for classroom teachers, support staff, curriculum directors and administrators

- One on one and small group coaching for educators

- Teambuilding for students and staff

- Facilitation of SEL implementation schoolwide, including

* assessment of current SEL implementation

* alignment of classroom practices and school climate goals

* alignment of discipline practices, school supports and SEL


Contact Lucinda for a free consultation today!

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