Whole Planet Consulting
In order to make the planet more whole, we need to be able to talk with each other in respectful, equitable, productive ways. There is no better place to learn to do that than the classroom. Whole Planet Consulting combines education research and practices with brain science and experiential techniques to transform teaching and learning into a collaborative, successful and joyful endeavor.
We believe the quality of any educational experience is determined by three components:
- teaching presence (lesson planning, curriculum design, assessment),
- cognitive presence (differentiated instruction, Bloom's Taxonomy, Webb's depth of knowledge) and
- social presence (setting climate, building rapport and supporting discourse).
Most teacher education programs focus on teaching presence and cognitive presence but spend very little time on social presence. Many professional development companies offer exciting programs that seem to address social presence, but they often address only a piece of the puzzle, instead of a providing a comprehensive framework.
We believe positive social presence in the classroom is the gateway to all other learning. Whole Planet Consulting teaches the skills to bring social emotional learning and inquiry based instruction to life by providing the models and context to understand when, why and how classroom activities and teacher moves will work with their students. Rather than saddle teachers with yet another new program, we use the strategies, techniques and curricula teachers already know to integrate SEL and Inquiry into their instruction and provide consistent positive social presence.
We also believe that positive social presence in the classroom cannot happen without paying attention to the social and emotional needs of teachers. Support for teachers and students outside the classroom is vital. Our consulting services facilitate a process of assessment and alignment of SEL across the school and at every level.
Finally, we believe every school has unique needs and circumstances. All Whole Planet Consulting services are customized for your school, your teachers and your students.
Make your school a part of the Whole today.